CLI/Command line tool

In general HOmeGallery is a command line tool to init the configuration, start the web server and import the media sources. It has further commands to execute sub task to

  • Create and update file index of your media directories

  • Extract meta data and calculate previews

  • Build the gallery database

  • Extract meta data to xmp sidecar files

  • Extract static gallery

  • Fetch a remote HomeGallery to the local gallery

  • Stream media to Google Chromecast

You can list the help of available commands and options via gallery -h. See the Install section how to start the CLI in your environment.

By default it starts in the interactive mode. The run command should be used for scripting, eg. for cron jobs. Other commands can be used in advance use cases.

To run the CLI your gallery settings are configured in gallery.config.yml. It should be initialized via the run init command. See Configuration section for configuration details.

General help

Usage: gallery.js [global options] <command> [options]

  gallery.js index        File index
  gallery.js extract      Extract meta data and calculate preview files
  gallery.js database     Database commands
  gallery.js server       Start web server
  gallery.js storage      Storage utils
  gallery.js export       Export commands
  gallery.js fetch        Fetch and merge from remote
  gallery.js cast         Cast media slideshow to Google Chromecast
  gallery.js interactive  Interactive menu                             [default]
  gallery.js run          Run common tasks

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

(c) 2024 HomeGallery -

run command

The run command runs common task

gallery.js run

Run common tasks

  gallery.js run init    Initialize the gallery configuration
  gallery.js run server  Start the webserver
  gallery.js run import  Import and update new files from sources

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

run init command

gallery.js run init

Initialize the gallery configuration

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -s, --source           Initial source directory or directories
                                                              [array] [required]
  -f, --force            Force, overwrite existing configuration       [boolean]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

Use the --source parameter to initialize your media directories. You can edit the sources later in the gallery.config.yml configuration.

See Configuration section for all available configuration options.

run server command

gallery.js run server

Start the webserver

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]


The server command starts the local web server. Source directories are imported and watched for changes by default

run import command

The import command

  • creates or updates the file indices

  • extracts meta data and calculates previews

  • build the media database

  • watch for file changes

gallery.js run import

Import and update new files from sources

      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
  -l, --log-level            Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format      Log output format in json                 [boolean]
  -L, --log-file             Log file
      --log-file-level       Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config               Configuration file
      --auto-config          Search for configuration on common configuration
                             directories               [boolean] [default: true]
  -i, --initial              Run initial incremental import            [boolean]
  -u, --update               Check and import new files                [boolean]
  -s, --small-files          Import only small files up to 20MB to exclude big
                             files such as videos to speed up the initial import
  -w, --watch                Watch files for changes and run import on changes
      --watch-delay          Delay import after file change detection in
                             seconds. A new file change refreshes the previous
                             delay                        [number] [default: 10]
      --watch-max-delay      Maximum delay after file change detection in
                             seconds. Set it to 0 for immediate import on file
                             change                      [number] [default: 600]
      --watch-poll-interval  Use poll interval in seconds. If set 0 watch mode
                             uses fs events if available.  [number] [default: 0]
      --import-on-start      Run import on watch start [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

The import command supports 3 modes

  • Initial/incremental import

  • Update import

  • Full import

At the beginning you should use the initial import. It batches the import in several chunks to build the database step by step. At the beginning the chunks are small and database updates are done frequently. If you have a many files in the database the chunk sizes grow and database updates happens less frequently.

When all media are imported and processed you should run update import to import only new unknown files. Eg. if you copied new camera files from your memory cart to your hard drive.

The full import processes all files and checks for missing meta data or preview files. This mode should be run after your finished the initial import - just to be safe. This mode is slow since all media files, meta data and previews needs to be checked.


The watch mode should use the polling mechanism for larger, slow or remote media repositories. An polling interval of at least 5 min is recommended.


The import command can run in parallel to the server. If the database is updated, the server and webapp will reload it by default.


If the import command is aborted (eg. by the user), you should run a full import to ensure that all meta data and all previews are available.

export static command

The export meta command

  • Exports a static gallery

  • Requires only static webserver like nginx or Apache

  • Supports subset exports via query

gallery.js export static

Create a static website export

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -d, --database         Database filename                            [required]
  -e, --events           Events filename
  -s, --storage          Storage directory                            [required]
  -o, --output           Output directory of export
  -f, --file             Archive filename of export. Must end with .zip or
                         .tar.gz                                        [string]
  -k, --keep             Keep outputdirectory on archives              [boolean]
  -q, --query            Search query for matching entries              [string]
  -b, --base-path        Base path of static page. e.g. "/gallery"
                                                         [string] [default: "/"]
      --edit             Enable edit menu             [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

export meta command

The export meta command

  • Exports meta data to XMP sidecar files

All media with manual tags from HomeGallery are written to XMP sidecar files. By default it will create <name>.<ext>.xmp file. E.g. for the image IMG_1234.JPG the sidecar IMG_1234.JPG.xmp is created. If IMG_1234.xmp exists it will use this file.

The tags are written through Exiftool to following namespaces:

gallery.js export meta

Export meta data to xmp sidecar files

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -d, --database         Database filename                            [required]
  -e, --events           Events filename
  -i, --index            Index file                           [array] [required]
  -A, --changes-after    Only write meta data changes after given date (in ISO
                         8601)                                          [string]
  -n, --dry-run          Do not perform any writes    [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

fetch command

The fetch command

  • Fetches a remote gallery

  • Merges remote database and events from local

  • Downloads remote previews to local storage

  • Supports subset imports via query

gallery.js fetch

Fetch and merge from remote

      --version            Show version number                         [boolean]
  -l, --log-level          Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format    Log output format in json                   [boolean]
  -L, --log-file           Log file
      --log-file-level     Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -u, --server-url, --url  Gallery server url                         [required]
  -k, --insecure           Do not verify HTTPS certificates            [boolean]
  -q, --query              Search query                                 [string]
  -d, --database           Database filename                          [required]
  -e, --events             Events filename                            [required]
  -s, --storage            Storage directory                          [required]
  -D, --delete             Delete local files which are missing remote for all
                           remote index               [boolean] [default: false]
  -w, --watch              Watch server for database change and fetch remote on
                           changes                    [boolean] [default: false]
      --force-download     Force to download and overwrite preview files. Use
                           this option if the remote preview content changed
                           (e.g. through a fix)       [boolean] [default: false]
      --download-all       Download preview files from all remote entries. Use
                           this option if preview files are missing from remote
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -c, --config             Configuration file
      --auto-config        Search for configuration on common configuration
                           directories                 [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help               Show help                                   [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

database command

The database command

  • Remove database entries by query

gallery.js database remove

Remove entries by given query

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, -c, --config       Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -d, --database         Database filename
  -e, --events           Events filename
  -q, --query            Query to remove from the database   [string] [required]
  -k, --keep, --inverse  Keep matching entries instead of removing it  [boolean]
  -n, --dry-run          Do not perform any writes
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

  gallery.js database remove -q             Remove all entries with tag
  tag:trashed                               "trashed"
  gallery.js database remove -k -q          Keep all entries with tag "good"

storage command

The storage command

  • Purges unused and orphan files from the storage directory

gallery.js storage purge

Purge orphean storage files

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -l, --log-level        Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format  Log output format in json                     [boolean]
  -L, --log-file         Log file
      --log-file-level   Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -c, --config           Configuration file
      --auto-config      Search for configuration on common configuration
                         directories                   [boolean] [default: true]
  -s, --storage          Storage directory
  -d, --database         Database file
  -i, --index            Optional index file                             [array]
  -n, --dry-run          Do not perform any writes                     [boolean]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

cast command

The cast command

  • Cast a slideshow to a Chromecast-enabled TV

  • Supports subsets via query

gallery.js cast

Cast media slideshow to Google Chromecast

      --version            Show version number                         [boolean]
  -l, --log-level          Console log level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "silent"]
      --log-json-format    Log output format in json                   [boolean]
  -L, --log-file           Log file
      --log-file-level     Log file level
         [string] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
  -u, --server-url, --url  Gallery server url                         [required]
  -q, --query              Search query                                 [string]
      --proxy              Use HTTP proxy. Chromecast does not support internal
                           DNS and self-signed certificates. The proxy bypasses
                           this limit. Use --no-proxy to disable it for public
                           galleries                   [boolean] [default: true]
      --proxy-ip           Use given IP for proxy. Auto detect if not given
  -p, --port               Proxy port                  [number] [default: 38891]
  -k, --insecure           Do not verify HTTPS certificates. Disable it by
                           --no-insecure if you know what you do       [boolean]
  -s, --random, --shuffle  Randomize playback. Use --no-random for linear order
  -r, --reverse            Reverse order. Default order is by date oldest first
      --delay              Delay between the images in seconds
                                                           [number] [default: 5]
      --max-preview-size   Maximum size of preview images
                                                        [number] [default: 1920]
  -h, --help               Show help                                   [boolean]
      --level                                                   [default: debug]

./gallery cast -u


Cast command does not work inside a docker container by default. The cast command needs to run in the same network as Google’s Chromecast device. Please ensure that your docker container runs in the same network